04/09/2024 | 13:00 | Imran Rasul
| University College London | The Returns to Skills During the Pandemic: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
10/09/2024 | 13:00 | Douglas Cumming
| Florida Atlantic University | Stock Market Manipulation and Corporate Venture Capital Investments
11/09/2024 | 13:00 | Zacharias Sautner
| University of Zurich
| Corporate Climate Lobbying
17/09/2024 | 13:00 | Saka Orkun
| University of London
| Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks
| 19:00 | Marc L. Roark | University of Tulsa | Housing and climate/property and time
18/09/2024 | 13:30 | María Ángeles García-Ferrero
| ICMAT | On the Inverse Problem of Electrical Impedance Tomography
18/09/2024 | 13:00 | Claudia Imperatore
| Bocconi University
| Executive Bonus Adjustments to Industry Non-Financial Violations
19/09/2024 | 13:00 | Luis Corchón
| Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Implementation Via Political Parties
24/09/2024 | 13:00 | Stefano Bonini
| Stevens Institute of Technology
| Bond Ownership and Credit Default Swap Coverage
25/09/2024 | 13:00 | Santiago Oliveros
| University of Bristol
| Collaboration Between and Within Groups
30/09/2024 | 13:00 | Steven Ongena
| University of Zurich
| Joining Forces: Why Banks Syndicate Credit
01/10/2024 | 13:00 | Mohammed Zakriya
| IESEG School of Management
| CSR Performance and Firm Value: Disentangling the Role of ESG Rating Providers
02/10/2024 | 13:00 | Juanjo Dolado
| Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Riders on the Storm
02/10/2024 | 13:00 | Ujue Etayo
| CUNEF Universidad
| Equidistribution of Points on Manifolds
08/10/2024 | 13:00 | Selina Pei
| Warwick Business School
| Seeking Alpha: More Sophisticated Than Meets the Eye
09/10/2024 | 13:00 | Sheldy Ombrosi
| Universidad Complutense Madrid
| Weighted Maximal Inequalities on Hyperbolic Spaces
15/10/2024 | 13:00 | Chiara Aina
| Universitat Pompeu Fabra
| Weighting Competing Models
16/10/2024 | 13:00 | Bruno Cassiman
| KU Leuven
| Escaping Product Market Rivalry through Innovation
16/10/2024 | 13:00 | Maximiliano Contino
| CUNEF Universidad
| A Halmos Problem: if the Square of an Operator T has a Nontrivial Invariant Subspace, must T Have a Nontrivial Invariant Subspace Too?
| 12:45 | Carlos Ramírez
| Federal Reserve Board | Contagion Uncertainty and Macroprudential Policies
| 13:30 | Rob Corless
| Western University
| Perturbation methods using backward error
| 13:30 | Roberto Ruiz Gil
| Instituto de Física Teórica
| Exactly Solvable Models and State Preparation in Quantum Computers
29/10/2024 | 12:45 | Victor DeMiguel
| London Business School
| Do the Trades and Holdings of Market Participants Contain Information About Stocks? A Machine-Learning Approach
30/10/2024 | 13:30 | Antoine Detaille
| Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
| Harmonic Maps Into The Sphere: How Bad Can They Be?
30/10/2024 | 13:30
| Manuel Aragón Reyes | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | El poder político en la democracia constitucional: limitación y control
05/11/2024 | 12:15 | Jens Kvaerner
| Tilburg University
| Do Households Matter for Asset Prices?
06/11/2024 | 13:30 | Carlos D'Andrea
| University of Barcelona
| Certificates for Non Negative Polynomials Over Semialgebraic Sets
07/11/2024 | 13:00 | Matteo di Stasi | CUNEF Universidad | Should You Ask Questions Before Making a First Offer in Distributive Negotiation?
13/11/2024 | 12:45 | Claudio Giachetti
| University of Bologna
| Competition in Platform Ecosystems: A Resource Dependence Perspective
15/11/2024 | 13:30 | Alberto Mayorgas Reyes
| Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
| Mixed Permutation Symmetry Sectors of Critical Three-level Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Atom Models
19/11/2024 | 16:30 | Jesús Ángel Núñez Zimbrón
| Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
| Curvature for Singular Spaces
20/11/2024 | 13:00 | Marcin Zajac
| University of Warsaw
| Locally Conformal Extensions of Symplectic Manifolds and Geometric Hamilton Jacobi Theory
22/11/2024 | 13:00 | Andrey David Ramos Ramirez
| Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
| Quantitative Analysis of Climate Heterogeneity via an Unconditional Quantile Vector Error Correction Model
27/11/2024 | 13:00 | Fabrizio Salvador
| IE University
| Poisoned Apples: Team Experiential Diversity, Performance and Voluntary Turnover in the Context of Technology & Consulting Projects
27/11/2024 | 13:30 | Fabricio Macia
| Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
| Solving ill-posed Inverse Problems Via the Born Approximation
27/11/2024 | 13:30 | Christian Ochsner
| Pandemics’ Reprisals: The U-shaped Pattern of Suffering for Effective Policy Measures
27/11/2024 | 13:30 | Andrés Betancor
| CUNEF Universidad | Sobre la discrecionalidad
28/11/2024 | 13:30 | Jesús Ángel Núñez
| Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
| Curvature for Singular Spaces
02/12/2024 | 13:30 | Maria Fernanda Pintado
| Queen Mary University of London
| Bayesian Partial Reduced-Rank Regression
03/12/2024 | 13:30 | Óscar Carballal Sobrido
| Universidad Complutense de Madrid
| From Representations of Lie Algebras to the Hopf Fibration
04/12/2024 | 13:00 | Reeju Guha
| CUNEF Universidad | Bayesian Estimation of the Impact of Service Quality and Customer Experience on Online Store Choice and Platform-Exit
04/12/2024 | 13:30 | Saskia Demulder
| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
| Deformations and Dualities in Integrable String Backgrounds
05/12/2024 | 13:30 | Bilal Ahmad Rather
| Shandong University of Technology
| Spectral Theory of Combinatorial Matrices
10/12/2024 | 13:30 | Luis Martínez-Zoroa
| Universität Basel
| Singularity Formation in Incompressible Fluids
11/12/2024 | 13:30 | Jorge Antezana
| Universidad de Barcelona
| When the Geometric Means Met the Barycenters
12/12/2024 | 13:30 | Jonathan Bradley-Thrush
| Universidade de Lisboa
| q-Difference Equations and Basic Hypergeometric Series
17/12/2024 | 13:30 | Inti Cruz Díaz
| Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
| On the Classification of Generalized Pseudo-Anosov Homeomorphisms
18/12/2024 | 13:30 | Lorenzo Prats Albentosa
| CUNEF Universidad
| Propiedad: ni derecho débil ni debilitado
| 13:00 | María Ruiz Castillo
| Universidad de Granada | A Stakeholder Theory of Shareholder Activism
14/01/2025 | 13:00 | Yanhong Ding
| Bocconi University
| The Absorption of Scientific Approach to Entrepreneurial Decision-making: Evidence from a Field Experiment in China
15/01/2025 | 13:00 | Ismael Gómez García
| CEA Capa
| Integrated Spatial and Machine Learning Methods with Chemical Biology Applications
20/01/2025 | 13:00 | Jessenia Davila
| ESG Pay for CEOs of Family Firms: Governance Matters
20/01/2025 | 13:00 | Claudia Fevola | INRIA
| Exploring Singularities of Integrals from Physics via Computational Algebraic Geometry
21/01/2025 | 13:00 | Riccardo Fini
| University of Bologna
| Help! I am trapped! Escaping job mismatch through entrepreneurship
21/01/2025 | 13:00 | Klaas Mulier
| Ghent University
| The Poor, the Rich, and the Credit Channel of Monetary Policy
21/01/2025 | 13:00 | Alberto Dayan
| Saarland University
| Carleson Measures and Interpolating Sequences: Deterministic and Random
22/01/2025 | 13:00 | Catalina Enestrom
| Meaning as Making Sense: Introducing a Novel Model of Work Meaning in the Context of Hybrid Work
22/01/2025 | 13:30 | Oscar Ortega
| TU Wien
| Valuations on Convex Bodies
23/01/2025 | 13:30 | Miguel Navascués
| IQOQI Vienna
| First-order Optimality Conditions for Non-commutative Optimization Problems
27/01/2025 | 13:30 | Ángel David Ríos Ortiz
| Université Paris-Saclay
| Hyperkähler Manifolds: From Theory to Equations
28/01/2025 | 13:30 | Álvaro Samperio Valdivieso
| Universidad de Valladolid
| Stability of the Inverse Conductance Problem for Networks and Polynomial Optimization
29/01/2025 | 13:30 | Anton Ponomarchuk
| Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
| Towards an Understanding of the Complexity of ReLU Neural Networks
30/01/2025 | 13:30 | Stefano Mereta
| KTH Royal Institute of Technology
| Tropical Differential Equations
03/02/2025 | 13:30 | Arnaud Meyroneinc
| Universidad de Valparaíso
| Rotation Number and Dynamics of Three-interval Piecewise λ-affine Contractions
06/02/2025 | 13:30 | Giuseppe Pontrelli
| Drug Release Systems with Functionally Graded Materials